Monday Stories: Teddy

Teddy found hibernation to be quite boring. He felt it was contrary to his own natural tendencies, which were to plan and project and move forward. Teddy liked the idea of crawling into a cave and putting his head down, but with the intention of productivity not rest. He could never see how wasting away month after month in a deep slumber made sense...

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Monday Stories: Joy

Joy was an llama that was always sleepy. Sleepy in the rain, sleepy in the sun, sleepy in the morning and sleepy at night. Joy lived among 27 other llamas, all nestled in a rolling hills behind a dilapidated barn with peeling yellow paint. She knew that other llamas were known for their feisty nature, or their carefree frolicking, or their pushy playfulness...

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Monday Stories: Sheldon

Sheldon looked in the mirror and smiled wide. Then closed his mouth and pursed his lips. He ran his tongue against the back of his teeth until that last front tooth wobbled against the pressure. He rocked the tooth back and forth with the tip of his tongue and then opened his mouth up and watched it wiggle with ease. He took a comb to his hair, pursed his lips one last time and turned from the mirror, ready to start the day...

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Monday Stories: Tilda

Tilda lived in a hot, stuffy, and sometimes dark room. It was noisy too—not in a crash-bang-boom way but in the steady, sturdy, unrelenting, white noise way. The noise and the heat came from the corner of the damp, windowless room where a hot water heater rumbled constantly to make sure family upstairs was warm, clean and cozy in their home...

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Monday Stories: Layla

Layla had waited years to see the light. And not just a year or two. Hundreds of years or perhaps even thousands. But in the grand scheme of life for a grain of sand, that wasn’t much. Layla only knew the darkness of the vast ocean’s depths...

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